This is my way to serve you
Around 5 years ago I put an open calendar link on my website for anyone and everyone to chat with me for any reason, and to my surprise my calendar stays very full
I have the highest possible level of give-a-shit about other people that has ever existed and I am a hyper extrovert.
We live in a time where everyone feels isolated, lonely, and many of us are sick of just another digital sales pitch. I have nothing to sell you, this is just acting out my belief that the best way to serve the world is by giving you my undistracted attention and time
I'm also particularly good at asking perspective changing questions, I have a very NO-BS approach towards helping people, and I'm a super people connector so I'm always trying to find people who can make your life better
I think about this a lot and I don't know the answer
I can tell you without question that I try to be valuable to you
As uncomfortable as it is to brag about myself, I'll share some of my accomplishments and reasons you might find it appealing to talk to me
I am a real estate investor with ~61 doors
I've raised ~2MM of private capital for investments
I created the BetterLife podcast for Brandon Turner
I am the photographer BiggerPockets Conference and many other real estate community retreats, events, and conferences
I'm an Army veteran
I'm a lifelong gym rat, I've traveled a bit of the world, I read lots of philosophy for fun
All of these things have given me a diverse and interesting life which allows for me to share unique perspectives on life and I have a very direct communication style, a no-nonsense approach towards people, and I'm a big believer in tough love. Admittedly I'm not often a great shoulder to cry on but I do maintain high amounts of empathy for people
and I use the totality of these traits to make sure I serve you in the way I think you need best
Show up with a good attitude and a decent internet connection
I will make sure our call is productive, and I will make sure you feel comfortable, I have no agenda, these calls aren't structured, they are authentic and organic. It's just two humans meeting each other
Not everyone is as brave as you. Publishing these talks allows us to help more people and try to solve problems at scale.
Also, almost no one watches these so don't worry too much
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